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Jiangyin EVERISE Trading Co., Ltd

All Products >> automobile parts

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assembled end products
assembled end products
Specification: assembly products
Detail: The set of the assembled end products. They include the air-conditioners, brakes, electrical equipment and the other accessories of the auto.

electric equipment of the auto
electric equipment of the auto
Specification: electric equipment
Detail: The set of electric equipment of the auto. It includes the wiring harness, limit switches, indicators and adjusters, and outer connector.

epp foam products
epp foam products
Specification: EPP FOAM
Detail: EPP foam products series. It is widely used in the cushion of the bumper of the automobile, toolbox, sunshading board, floor covering, and high-grade packaging. It has features as light weight, high elasticity, shockproof an...

blow moulding products
blow moulding products
Specification: BLOWING PRODUCT
Detail: The set of blowing moulding products It is used in wind pipes of the airconditioner of the mobile, air admissions of the engine, the washing machines of wind windows, overflow conduits, etc.

injection moulding products
injection moulding products
Detail: The set of injection moulding products are made from ABS,PP,PA,PVC,PC,PE,POM, etc., including compound injection moulding parts.
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